Thursday, May 21, 2009

The ASCA Trial

I chickened out and let Kelly Orr run my dog. Sure glad I did as I fell a couple days before, hurt my knee and my head, which brought on a dystonic attack. For those of you at the trial, you were lucky enough to see one. Not fun.

I came home right after Usher's run on Sunday. So, I don't have his ribbons for Sunday. All the girls did real well. Hopefully at the Couch's trial, we can see more of each other.

Kelly did such a good job. I skipped this Tuesday's practice. Still too shaky. When I pick up Sunday's ribbons, I'll post more pics. I would not have this many if I ran him myself!!!!

It was nice there some ran trained dogs, some ran their own dogs, and I had my dog ran for me. I think everyone had fun. Did I say thank you Kelly? LOL.
Just 9 the first day ~smile~

1 comment:

  1. Very good Usher!!!!!! Dianne, hope you are feeling better soon.
