Monday, February 2, 2009

25 things about you- got this off the BC board

1. I am afraid of dying.2. I don't think I have a "purpose" in this world.3. I invite my 83 mother over for sleep-overs.4. I have more border collie statues and stuffed animals than you could ever imagine.5,. I have someone in my life I would like to be friends with that hates me.6. Every other friend I have known since grade school has kept in touch with me- especially dog friends.Even, when their wives die.7. My disease = I hate it.8. I love my children and grandkids and feel I am blessed.9. I want "Monkey"10. I had a pug named "Chang" when growing up.11. I collect pug things for my mother12. I play "Pogo" under 2 names and I "cheat"- LOL.13.. I danced in the rain in Hawaii with my ex-hubby- I thought it was the most romantic night of my life.14. I want to return to a simple 5-10 acre farm one day. 40 was too much.15. I fear that I will turn into that "dog lady" instead of the "cat lady" at the end of my life. LOL.16. I sleep too much17. My life is run by dogs and grandkids.18. I have watched "The Incredible's" 15 times and still like it.19. Nicolas Cage is my favorite actor- hubba hubba20. I'll take John Travolta next.21. I am afraid that I am Overdosing on Meds, but I take less than prescribed.22. I'm afraid of snakes- even on TV23. I could watch Seinfeld reruns all day24. I grow very close to my trainers- both obedience and herding-25. I am very fond of this board and all the people on it.

If you want to read others- go to.....

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